Reading at Norbridge Academy
At Norbridge, we strongly believe that for children to be lifelong readers they need to read for practice, purpose, and pleasure. All children need to be confident with both their word reading skills and language comprehension.
Developing Language Comprehension
We encourage pupils to develop reading comprehension skills through age-appropriate, challenging texts which are vocabulary rich. Therefore, pupils are exposed to texts which enables them to respond using a greater range of vocabulary.
All Delta schools teach the same text in each year group, which allows for better collaboration, development and shared planning for CPD for all staff. There is a clear focus on core reading comprehension skills which are age appropriate and this develops ‘depth’ in pupils’ reading. The use of a clear structure supports staff and develops confidence in their delivery of reading. All pupils are exposed to high quality texts and discussions despite potential barriers to word reading and comprehension.
The core principles are as follows:
- Use of a Delta-wide approach to the texts covered, supported by non-fiction, poetry and other fictional texts.
- Texts will last for the term to develop a depth of understanding.
- Text used in the reading session will be separate from literacy or wider curriculum work.
- Teachers identify children who are working below or well below ARE who will need support (in addition) for fluency and decoding, often phonics.
Developing Fluency
All children from Year 1 to Year 6 should have opportunities to develop their fluency. In Key Stage 1, children will develop their fluency through their daily RWI session. Children will have a book that is matched to their phonics knowledge. Children in Year 2 who are phonics fluent will be working on the reading objectives matched to the different book band colours. This will help them to improve their fluency and stamina across a wide range of texts.
Pupils in Key Stage 2 who are phonics fluent will work towards the reading objectives matched to the book band colours. These objectives will ensure that pupils are working on texts which are pitched at the correct reading level.
Pupils in Key Stage 2 who are not phonics fluent will continue to access Fast-Track interventions and the Fresh Start programme.
Home Reading
At Norbridge, we encourage children to read every night at home, with use of a book that is age and ability appropriate to supplement the development of reading fluency and comprehension within school. Children have free choice over which book to pick within their set range; this encourages the enjoyment and love of reading we promote every day at Norbridge.
To further develop this love of reading, children choose a book to read for pleasure. The children have the choice of a wide range of books which are situated on bookshelves all the way around the academy and grouped into themes- our whole school is our library!
Story Telling Time
Story telling is an important time in school. This happens across the whole academy every single day. The lights are turned down, the children gather round and adults bring stories to life. Children love the time to simply listen to books come alive and this important time is loved by children and staff alike.