About Us
Our academy is a great place to learn and work. During their time at Norbridge Primary Academy, our pupils are given the opportunity to study a range of subjects which include English, maths, history, and computing. Foundation subjects, such as geography and art and design, are delivered as part of the Delta Reading Enhanced Curriculum. Pupils at our academy can also access music tuition and Wado Ryu karate. Our pupils take part in residential trips to Kingswood Residential Centre and Hathersage, as well as London. We have the Norbridge Rocks Radio, which broadcasts across the trust. The radio teaches the children about content creation and production, and enables them to gain valuable speaking and listening skills. Our curriculum is rich and exciting and is certainly well-received by the children who study it. A particular favourite for the children are the Norbridge Bees. The highly-motivated staff at Norbridge Primary Academy provide a stimulating and attractive learning environment, where children are encouraged to develop in all areas of the curriculum and school life. We have a learning code that is made up of core values that we subscribe to. These values are: courage, determination, endeavour and honour. These values ensure we are preparing our pupils to be hard-working citizens that contribute to their community. We strive to strengthen community links and we pride ourselves on the overwhelming support we have from our families. We know that through these partnerships we will ensure that everyone is committed to our drive towards excellence. I hope you have found this information useful and please enjoy looking at our website. If you would like to visit us, please contact the school office and I would be delighted to show you around our school. Miss R Jackson Head of Academy |